Death and Dying
Curated by David Lillington
Wednesday 10 - Friday 19 September 2014
Wednesday 10 September 2014, 19.00
with performances 19.30 by Verena Dürr and 20.00 Roman Gerold
Video Screenings
Thursday 11 September and Wednesday 17 September 20.00
Wednesday 10 - Friday 19 September 2014
Opening times
Tuesday - Friday 16.00-20.00 and by appointment 00 44 7813 958523 (David, or by text) or +43 (0)676 340 9218 (Gue Schmidt)
MAG3 Projektraum
Director--Gue Schmidt,
Schiffamtsgasse 17, 1020
U-Bahn Schottenring, exit Herminengasse
Death and Dying will consist of two performances, two evening screenings of videos by 13 artists and an exhibition showing work by 30 artists. As early as 1984 sociologist Allan Kellehear wrote, ‘to say that our contemporary societies are “death-denying” has no theoretical or practical explanatory value.’ In 2001 Deborah Boardman, curator of the exhibition Mortal, (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) disclosed bravely: ‘in my own life a fear of death compelled me toward art projects that would comfort and assuage it.’ Similarly, Verena Dürr (performing on Wednesday the 10th) has written, ‘my approach is: through the issue of death to examine life.’ Some artists have worked with the subject for years, some respond to specific events, personal or out in the world. Much of the work tends towards theatre. This is a show about art as well as about death, with a huge range of approaches: social, quotidian, bodily; realist, romantic or about the inner voice.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Death and Dying installation shots, MAG3 Projektraum. Photos by Sophie Tiller
List of Artists
1. Performance
Poetry and electronic music
Wednesday 10. September, 19.30
Verena Dürr presents Prima Materia, a poem about poisonous plants and dangerous expressions of love. And Die Alkaloide der Liebe, a darkly romantic text full of metaphors of decay and vanity, and breathing the spirit of fin-de-siecle-decadence.
Verena Dürr is a poet, performer and musician. She lives and writes in Vienna.
She earns her daily bread as a kitchen assistant.
In 2014 Dürr was the first winner of the newly established Hautnah Prize (Ö1 Radio with RadioKulturhaus) for Performance Poetry.
Roman Gerold, Austria
Aflenz Dance of Death
Wednesday 10 September, 20.00
A stranger appears – most likely around noon – through a hole in the ground into a sleepy Styrian spa town. To the delight of the villagers, he brings back to life a grandmother who died many years ago. People cannot believe what happens next.
The Aflenz Dance of Death is a live audio-piece approximately ten minutes long. It is at once cheap novel, fairytale, science fiction, generational drama and much more, but it provides no realist portrait of a milieu. Much is hidden between the lines and a lot can only be heard at night. Important influences are H.C. Artmann, as the author of fairytales, and the fantasy writer, Paul Scheerbart.
Roman Gerold grew up in Aflenz and Kapfenberg. He is a journalist, author and musician. He has written extensively on the Dance of Death genre.
2. Video Screenings
Thursday 11 September, 20.00
Wednesday 17 September, 20.00
Screening of 13 artists’ videos on the theme of death and dying. Total running time 80 mins.
- 1 bit pixel, 2009, 39 seconds
- We Didn’t Say No, 2008,10.23 Min
Night’s Dream (Bottom) and Twelfth Night (Clown).
Death (Clown ) - plays the French horn
White Canary (Bottom) - plays the trumpet
X (Ophelia) - plays the clarinet
- Objectivity 3, 2007, 1 Min
- Nowhere Really, 15 Min
- End, 1994, 8 Min
- The Letter, 2009, 1 Min
- Innocent When You Dream, 3 Min
- The Cut, 2010, 3 Min
- She Prepared the Staging of her Death, 2000, 8 Mins
- Somewhere Between Jalostotitlan and Encarnacion, 1984, 6 Min
- 25 Years Later, 2009, 1 Min
- Lenoir, 1.24 Min
Translation by Julia Dziumla
- The Woolworths Choir of 1979, 2012, 20 Min
Total running time 80 Minutes
3. Exhibition
* indicates work that has not been exhibited before Death and Dying
- Fallen Pieces, 2014, photograph, 240 x 117.5 cm*
- Suggestion of Elsewhere, oil on canvas, 42 cm x 29.7 cm, 2014*
- Yours Sincerely, 2014, Silver, hallmarked, 1.2 x 1.4 cm x 0.9 mm*
- From: Myths To: Life, metal, 2014. dimensions variable
Made in a foundry in Brazil for the exhibition*
- I like like you, I like you a lot, 2008-2011, slide-show
- Drawing, De Ateliers, Amsterdam 2002, photograph*
Douglas: “There is not a lot to say. But that in itself is significant. During my time at De Ateliers I worked on a series of incidental works. These were unadvertised and made to be chanced upon in passing. This piece was imagined quickly. It wasn’t rehearsed and apart from placing the chair in a specific spot I didn’t know myself how it would appear. In that respect it was a gestural act. I set up the camera in my studio and when my neighbour walked in I asked him to press the shutter when I had stopped drawing. There was only one person in the audience, myself, and one photograph taken. The photograph has not been shown before.”
Whole In Your Head, 2011, C-Print auf Dibond, 121 x 81 cm
With thanks to Galerie Barbara Thumm and Alison Jacques
- Short Cuts (untitled), 2010, Oil on canvas, 20 x 50 cm
From the Suicide Series:
- Suicide (In der Badewanne), 2007, Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
- Suicide (Jumping in Front of a Car), 2009 / 2011, Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
- Suicide (Seneca, Bled to Death), 2010 / 2011 oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
- Suicide (Alexander McQueen, Hanged), 2011, oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
- Suicide (After ‘The Eyes of Laura Mars’, directed by Irvin Kershner), 2010 / 2011, oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
- Suicide (Ulrike Meinhof), 2010, oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
Preparation After Death, 1996, remade 2014
Table and all the materials needed for the ‘last offices’: the procedures performed shortly after a person’s death has been confirmed.
Four drawings
from the series, Cast,1998 - 2014 / ongoing, graphite on paper. 28 x 26 cm framed
Four Polaroids, each:
Untitled, 1979, SX 70 Polaroid, framed 34 x 29 cm
With thanks to Galerie Hubert Winter, Estate Birgit Jürgenssen and Alison Jacques
- Untitled, 2013, oil on ricepaper, 18 x12 inches
- Suicide Paintings, pastel on paper, 2014, each 20 x 13 cm
- Osamu Dazai (Writer 1909-1948)
- Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Writer, 1892-1927)
- Yukio Mishima (Writer, 1925-1970)
- Toshiro Mifune (Actor, 1920-1997)
- Raizo Ichikawa (Actor, 1931-1969)
- All these Japanese actors and writers committed suicide.*
- Dead Real, 2014, photographic image sequence*
- Man with Skull, 2010, oil on postcard, framed 41x 35.5 cm
Death Mask, 1998, fibreglass. Made by the Manson for a video for the album Mechanical Animals.
Kindly loaned by writer K.L.Gillespie*
Mary Cassidy, Los Angeles, 1950’s, 2006, Cibachrome, 9 x 9 inches
Mae and Don West, Lake James, September 1949, 2006, Cibachrome, 9 x 9 inches
- Halima Begum, Donald Dunn, Sonya Holder, Arthur Locke
- Dance of Death (Death and the Jester) 2014, textile figures
- McGrath Makers is an organisation for people with learning disabilities
This piece was commissioned for the exhibition*
- Death as Seducer, 2013, biro on paper, 70 x 100 cm
- Untitled, 2012, biro on paper, 80 x 60 cm*
Untitled, 2014, transferred image and acrylic paint on canvas, 20 cm x 20 cm
Four collages, all 2014, acrylic and oil on paper:
- Residues, 20 x 25 cm
- Lungs, 20 x 15 cm
- Dark Heart, 15 x 20 cm
- Bones, 23 x 23 cm*
- Broken Game, 2014, Watercolour and coloured pencil on Paper, 24 x 32 cm*
- From the series, The Burial, 1 & 2, 2014, charcoal on paper, 55.5 x 75.5 cm*
- Drawing, 2014, paint on paper*
- Truckdriver’s Grave, Siberia, photograph with frame, 87 x 70 cm
- From the series ‘I Delimit Myself’ (original painting form the film ‘I Delimit Myself’), 2013, blood on paper, 70 x 97 cm unframed*
- Help me, 2014, acrylic on paper, 72.4 x 102.3 cm with frame*
Billy, You and Me, 2010, graphic novel
Winner of a British Medical Association award -
Four original drawings for Billy, You and Me, 2010, A5/A4*
Copies of Billy, You and Me are available in the gallery and can be bought online at
Grave panels: Ferdinand, Frieda, Konrad, Maximilian
2007/2014, Four c-prints, 13 x 18 cm on Aluminium, edition 3+2 AP*
Roland Barthes.”
- Weeping Willow Woman, 2014, textile, height 23 cm*
Translators —
Stefanie Baumann
Udo Breger
Julia Dziumla - special thanks also for Julia's German version of Audrey Reynolds' 'Lenoir'
Áine McMurtry
Christina Parte
Callouts —
Bernadette Anzengruber
Barbis Ruder
Accommodation —
Bernadette Anzengruber
Guido Hoffmann and Petra Sterry
Thomas Hörl
Lilli Kern and Stephan Rabeck
Silke & Franz Maier-Gamauf
Suzie Léger
Babs Legerer
Heidi Legerer
Exhibition installation —
Carolina Chew, Fritz Fro, Hiroe Komai, David Lillington, Goia Mujalli, Harriet Poznansky, Gue Schmidt, Petra Sterry, Sophie Tiller, Assunta Abdel Azim Mohamed
Photography —
Carolina Chew, Doris Deninger, Hiroe Komai, Goia Mujalli, Joy Sleeman, Sophie Tiller
Other credits —
Curatorial Advisor — Emi Avora
For Birgit Jürgenssen — Natascha Burger (Estate Birgit Jürgenssen) + Hubert Winter, Nora and Eleanor
Website — Matt Davis
For Valerie Favre — Marieke Ender and Timm Obendorfer at Galerie Barbara Thumm
Exhibition wall-labels — Maria Hubinger
Logistics — Suzie Leger
Transport for Valerie Favre paintings — Aseea Mahmood
Project assistants — Silke Maier-Gamauf, Doris Deninger
Graphic design — Goia Mujalli
Video editing — Owen Oppenheimer
Contacts — Christina Parte
McGrath Makers liaison & support - Sophie Ramsay and Celia Ward
Technical advice and translation & Peter Remke
Video subtitles for Sanna Linell and Malin Ståhl — Adam Sibalik
Uniqa insurance — Anita Santruschitz + Petra Tisch & Christine Zingl
Special thanks to Adam, Aseea, Emi, Goia, Harriet, Joy, Matt, Owen & Silke
Tod und Sterben/Death and Dying is supported by
Das Kulturamt der Stadt Wien (Department of Culture, Vienna) and
Das Bundesminesterium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture, Austria)
and has the following partners:
The Association for the Study of Death and Society
The Centre for Death and Society, University of Bath
The National Funeral Museum at T.Cribb and Sons, London
Netherlands Funeral Museum (Nederlands Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover)
Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London
East London Textile Arts, London
Prick Your Finger, London
Wild Gift is a member of the Association for the Study of Death and Society
2010's Arts Council England Research and Development Grant for a Death projectwas obtained with the help of
Steph Allen – producer
Marit Münzberg –
Matthew Davis – web developer
Madalen Vicassiau, Susanne Legerer, Vaishali Pathak – project assistants
Ana Cavic and Renee O'Drobinak (Cluster)